An inspiring podcast for paradigm shifting astrology.
In this pod I explore brand new beginnings, the significance of the New Moon in Pisces, and the importance of balancing the energies of the North and South Nodes.
I discuss the power of intention and manifestation, the Virgo-Pisces axis, and the role of envy and positivity in our lives. The conversation explores the interconnectedness of all beings and the need for discernment in our manifestations.
I talk eclipses and explore how we can co create with this energy to invite genuine shifts. ANYONE who is ready for a VERY FRESH start should listen to this pod.
I hope you enjoy it!
00:00 The Significance of Zero and New Beginnings
06:02 Navigating the North and South Nodes
12:02 The Virgo-Pisces Axis: Balancing Control and Flow
18:04 Collective Energy and Interconnectedness
23:56 Preparing for the Future: Eclipses and Full Moons
29:48 Living in the Present: The Mutable Nature of Life
35:55 The Week Ahead: Astrology Insights and Guidance
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Weekly podcast: listen here.
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