The Astrology Oddcast
Cardology ♥️♣️♦️♠️

Cardology ♥️♣️♦️♠️

LIFE CHANGING MAGIC! Welcome, welcome!

Here’s an intro into how I discovered Cardology and WHY I love it so much and am buzzing to share it with you!

I thought I’d record the introduction online instead of in a live event because it’s more convenient!

Talk to you soon,

Francesca x


00:00 Introduction and Brief Episode

03:04 Filling the Gap: Destiny Cards and Astrology

07:00 The Arrival of Destiny Cards

13:25 The Nuance of Destiny Cards and Astrology

19:12 Destiny Cards: Less Abstract and Accessible

21:06 Sharing and Protecting the Knowledge of Destiny Cards

Find Francesca:

Website: francescaoddie.com

Instagram: here


Learn about Playing Cards here ♥️♣️♦️♠️

Book onto my events: here

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Book a consultation: here

Use code LISTENER to get 25% off my course; Learn to Read Your Birth Chart

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The Astrology Oddcast
A conversational and friendly Oddcast with Francesca Oddie; a woman on a mission to bring the life-changing insights of Astrology to as many people as possible!